Tuesday, 3 March 2015

London Python Group

I was lucky enough to present a flash talk on Make Your Own Mandelbrot at the London Python Group.

One of the great things about such grassroots groups is the openness, honestly and generousness - unlike corporate events. I picked up some pointers on things I didn't know:

  • The IPython Cookbook has some content on interactive UI elements (widgets) for IPython Notebooks. Something I always wanted to know how to do.
  • An example of GPU accelerated computation in IPython notebooks for generating Mandelbrot fractals. 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Make Your Own Neural Network

I'm now focussing on my next ebook Make Your Own Neural Network.

The central idea is the same, to make sure that anyone with interest and nothing more than school-level maths can understand how neural networks work, and appreciate the pretty cool concepts on the way! Again we'll use Python and assume no previous knowledge of programming.By the end of the guide, you'll have built a simple neural network that recognises human handritten numbers.

You can follow progress and discussions at: http://makeyourownneuralnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/ and @myoneuralnet